Ms or Mister Efficiency: how to get your onboarding ducks in a row

A once and for all to-do list for the travel nurse on the go

Oh the sense of calm that comes from well-organized paperwork! You will deal with documents a lot more often as a travel nurse than you ever did in permanent employment. There’s no need to drown in admin. Taking some time out to get it all together and neatly labeled is one of the best things you can do to make this career stress-free and fast-moving. You also stand the best chance of clinching plum jobs when you can get your paperwork in quickly and efficiently.

File like a pro

Hard copies made easy

Most of the time you won’t need hard copies, everything happens online. But it’s a good idea to take time to make sure you have clear paper copies of all your key documents and a looseleaf or clear pocket file to keep them in.

Dealing with digital

When you are trekking across the US from job to job every few months it’s unbelievably reassuring to know that all of your docs are findable and shareable right from your phone. No need to hoick a great wadge of papers everywhere, just get cloud-competent and you are ready for anything. You don’t have to be a massive geek to be a digital filing wizz but it helps to get acquainted with some of the best tools online for collecting and organizing your Frequently Needed Documents (FNDs) as well as your personal lifetime documents like your birth certificate, marriage and/or divorce papers, health records and so on. You’ll need to keep good financial records as well – pay slips, statements, insurance records.

While you are about it, if you like to be extra safe, it’s not a bad idea to back up all these documents to a USB drive or external HD. Opening a free Dropbox or account is a great moveYou might even like to leave that with someone  you trust like a family member or attorney.

One good, focused effort to set up your traveling office and all of this can be simple, smooth and easy forever more.

Digitizing your key documents

It’s not difficult to create digital copies of your documents. If you don’t have a scanner, you can just scan with your phone and upload to your preferred storage location. Be sure that you have a clear and legible copy. If you are having difficulty getting a clear image, most copy shops will scan everything for you also. They use professional machines and will adjust the contrast and brightness so that even an old and tatty document looks just fine. You just need to gather up everything and take it in.

Here’s a typical list of documents you will need when registering for a new assignment:

A health physical or a statement of good health within the past year
An N95 respirator fit test within the past year
A tuberculosis test within the past year
The current season’s flu shot
Immunization records from the past year for MMR, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and Tdap
A drug screen test
Licenses and/or registration certificates, plus other certifications required based on specialty. Check out our handy guide to state requirements.

Contingencies - Plans B, C and D

With Covid having come in waves as it has, we are very likely emerging as a nation of Expert Contingency Planners. With the best planning in the world, stuff happens to throw you off course. Last minute accommodation hassles or cancellations, changed assignment start-dates – these things are uncommon in our experience, especially if you heed our advice on booking accommodation. But never say never. Sometimes you just have to roll with it, stay calm – and call Wayward Medical. We’ll do everything we can to assist you in dealing with anything that crops up to rock your best-laid plans.

Arrange a chat with a Wayward recruiter

We’ll help you to create a personal plan for success as a travel nurse, and make sure you know exactly what you can expect from us and when. Arrange a chat with one of our travel nursing experts to discuss your individual situation today: